Become a Community Leader

Dream Team

Community Leaders are among the most vital part of the church's ministry. They become the pastors and missionaries with the people they lead to help them become people who are bringing the kingdom wherever they go.


Please review the following information and reflect on the questions. Community leaders are primarily committed to Jesus and their group, but a few other commitments are also essential. Those include:

  • You have been a follower of Jesus for at least one year.
  • You can share your experience of trusting Christ as Savior and a life of growth that follows.
  • You believe and agree with The Alliance’s statements of belief.
  • You can embrace that in essentials, we pursue unity; in non-essentials, we embrace liberty; and in all situations, we show love.
  • You agree with our biblical definition of marriage – we believe the Bible teaches that God created sex as an expression of intimacy between a man and a woman within the context of marriage.
  • You can participate in ongoing training through a Communities leader huddle once a month.
  • Must maintain the DNA of Communities in your local expression
  • An appropriately contextualized value of UP, IN, and OUT in our regular group gatherings
  • Replication of Community leaders through discipleship relationships outside of your regular Community meetings
  • Meet a minimum of every other week.


Key Question: Do I have the availability and margin in my schedule for a group leader’s commitments at The Alliance?


Becoming the Leader of a community is a serious role. People will be watching and looking to you as an authority. Your life with Jesus must be nurtured, and your public character developed. Community Leaders must diligently guard their witness to those they lead and the watching community.


Key question: Can you humbly invite people to follow you as you follow Christ? Is there an area of compromise that you believe would disqualify you from leading others?


Community leaders are never expected to be perfect people by any means. However, certain skills will be valuable as you lead your group. Some of these skills would be described as the ability to continue to humbly grow as a Christ follower, to lead people toward a growing relationship with Christ, to promote participation, and to reproduce yourself as a leader. Leaders will need to take part in an onboarding training overview for competency. This four-part training is available on-demand.



Do I feel I can both model personally and engage others effectively in a group environment?

Once you've taken the time to think through the responsibilities of a Community Leader and you still want to move forward, let's talk!

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